What is E. coli infection?
E. coli infection is a type of diarrheal illness caused by bacteria called Escherichia coli. It affects the digestive tract and, in serious cases, the kidneys. There are many strains of E. coli, and most are harmless.
When food or water tests positive for E. coli bacteria, it may be an indication of fecal contamination.
The strain of E. coli that most often makes people sick is Shiga-toxin producing E. coli. For ease, we will refer to Shiga-toxin producing E. coli as E. coli.
What are the symptoms?
Symptoms of E.coli infection include:
- Watery diarrhea, which in serious cases may become bloody
- Nausea
- Vomitiing
- Stomach cramps
- Mild fever
The symptoms can start 2 to 10 days after contact with or consuming something contaminated with E.coli, but usually start within 3 to 4 days. Symptoms can last for 5 to 10 days.
In some cases, E. coli can cause a serious and sometimes fatal illness called hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) which can result in kidney failure, anemia and internal bleeding. HUS can be especially harmful for young children, the elderly, people with weakened immune systems and pregnant women.
Where does the disease come from?
E. coli is present in the intestines and feces of many healthy animals including cattle, goats, sheep, deer and elk.
During the butchering process, E. coli sometimes gets onto the surface of the meat. Whole cuts of meat such as steaks or roasts usually only have E. coli on the surface, which makes the E. coli easier to kill by cooking.
When the meat is ground or mechanically tenderized, E. coli on the surface can be transferred to the inside of the meat. This is why ground meat and mechanically tenderized meat are more likely to cause illness than whole cuts of meat. E. coli can be killed if the meat is cooked thoroughly.
E. coli are also sometimes found in other foods including fruits and vegetables, as well as in unpasteurized milk products, juice, cider and untreated or contaminated drinking water.
Swimming in recreational water that is contaminated with human or animal sewage can also cause infections.
E. coli can also be transmitted from a sick person to another person.
How do I avoid getting sick?
To reduce the risk of E. coli infection:
- Refrigerate or freeze meat as soon as possible after buying it
- Always thaw meat thoroughly in the refrigerator before you start to cook it. Ensure it is wrapped well and kept away from other foods. Do not try cooking frozen or partially frozen meat
- Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing food, after handling raw meat, and after using the toilet as E.coli can be spread to others through infected feces
- Always wash and then sanitize all utensils, cutting boards and counters that have touched raw meat to prevent E. coli from contaminating other foods. You can use a 200 ppm (parts per million) no rinse sanitizing solution