Some teens will have been introduced to opioids as medication (e.g., T3s after dental surgery). Others may try using other people’s prescription opioids. And a very few may experiment with opioid street drugs like heroin or fentanyl. As a parent, you are the number one influence on your child's choices in life, even when it comes to drug use. Talking with them about your values, practices, and expectations can reduce the likelihood of harm.
If your teen is graduating, they may take part in high school graduation parties like many grade 12 students across the province.
The guidebook Life Starts Now - How to Plan a Dry Grad (PDF, 558KB) describes dry grad planning from start to finish. It incorporates ideas for success from previous dry grad organizers and provides information on specific B.C. legislation relevant to dry grad planning.
For more information about talking to your teens about substance use and overdose you can visit: