At this age, your toddler is probably happier playing alongside - rather than with - other children. But it's important to introduce new playmates. Socializing with other children is an excellent way to foster your toddler’s social and emotional development.
An 18 to 24 month old is trying hard to assert independence – expect behaviours that involve the words "no!" and "mine!" At this age, the typical toddler also:
Enjoys playing alone for short periods of time
Acts like she owns certain objects
Likes to do things without help
Helps with simple household chores
Has trouble sharing. May hit, push, and grab to keep toys
Demonstrates concern for others
Shows fear, but can be reassured
Shifts between doing things independently and wanting help or comfort
Is watchful around adults he doesn’t know
Play and activity
Use everyday routines such as walks and mealtimes to talk about family and friends. This special time not only strengthens your bond – it nurtures and supports your child’s social and emotional growth.
Here are some more tips for helping your child to flourish socially and emotionally:
Talk to your toddler ahead of time about new routines and events: "At playgroup, we will sing songs and listen to stories"
Introduce your toddler to a playmate
Watch your toddler while he plays with other children. At this age your toddler will be better at playing on his own
Talk about the play of other children: "Look, Kim is building a block tower"
Let your toddler help with chores, such as cleaning up spills, placing clothes in drawers, or putting away toys
Model good manners: use "please" and "thank you"
Continue to breastfeed
Have fun with your toddler. Laughing together builds good feelings
Talk about your toddler's emotions: "Your tears tell me you are feeling sad"
Suggest ways to deal with feelings: "When you feel angry, come and get a grown up for help"
Sing simple songs about emotions, such as If You're Happy and You Know It
Read stories that explore emotions, and talk about them
Offer your toddler choices to help her cope with her feelings: "You’re feeling sad, do you want to cuddle or be alone?"
Talk about how others feel: "John is sad because you took his truck"
If your toddler hurts another child, explain: "You cannot hurt others." Redirect your toddler's activity
Other social and emotional milestones
Between 18 and 24 months your toddler may also:
See herself as a separate person. Your toddler may say, “No, me do it”
Put on simple clothing without help
Have mood swings and tantrums
Show aggressive behaviours such as biting and hitting
Say "no" a lot, especially if he hears "no" frequently
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