Calcium and vitamin D intake recommendations across the lifespan have not changed with the 2019 food guide.
Sources of calcium include dairy products and fortified soy beverage. Dairy products include things like unsweetened lower fat (0-2% MF)* milk and yogurt, and cheese that's lower in fat and sodium. These foods, which were previously in the “Milk and Alternatives” food group, are now listed under “protein foods” and are considered nutritious foods that can be consumed regularly. Calcium and your health lists a variety of other foods that also contribute calcium to the diet.
Vitamin D is found naturally in very few foods, including fatty fish, liver, and egg yolks. Mostly, vitamin D from the food supply is in fortified foods, including milk and margarine. The addition of vitamin D to yogurt and plant-based beverages is voluntary.
Health Canada recommends individuals aged 2-50 have food sources of vitamin D daily or take a daily supplement with 400IU (10 µg). Adults aged 51+ are recommended to take a daily vitamin D supplement of 400 IU (10µg) in addition to eating food sources of vitamin D.
The BC Pediatric Nutrition Guidelines provide tips to support adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D for children 0-6 years.
*Note: The recommendation for lower fat dairy is to help reduce the amount of saturated fat, not total fat, in the diet.