During labour

During labour

Last updated


The idea of giving birth can be overwhelming, especially if it's your first time. In this section you'll find information that can help you plan and start practicing for labour and birth.

Medical pain relief options

Each woman experiences the pain of labour differently. You may choose medicinal pain relief in the form of anesthesia or medicines. Learn more:

Relaxation techniques

Other forms of pain management include massage, comfort positions and relaxation and breathing techniques. Learn more:

Problems during labour

Labour may not go as smoothly as you planned. You may experience problems which require medical attention. These include strep infections, postpartum bleeding and tears. Learn more:

Medical interventions

Encountering problems during labour and delivery can be worrisome. Find out more about medical interventions during birth:

Caesarean births

A caesarean birth (or C-section) may be recommended by your health care provider. This could be done before labour (elective) or during labour (emergency).

Vaginal births after caesarean (VBAC)

A vaginal birth after c-section might be an option for you. You can discuss this option with your health care provider to explore this topic and prepare yourself and your family for a possible vaginal birth.